Currently available printings
(too old to reply)
2003-12-19 00:58:07 UTC
From what I understand, the full Necronomicon as described in the past was
written in 7 volumes and spans over 900 pages. I have one of the modern
paperback editions and it's rather thin to say the least (black cover with
typical "spooky" looking writing). What other versions of the tome are
available, and are there any hardbound copies to be had?
Don D'Ammassa
2003-12-19 01:33:39 UTC
Post by CAS
From what I understand, the full Necronomicon as described in the past
was written in 7 volumes and spans over 900 pages. I have one of the
modern paperback editions and it's rather thin to say the least (black
cover with typical "spooky" looking writing). What other versions of
the tome are available, and are there any hardbound copies to be had?
There's no such thing as the "full" Necronomicon. All of the Necronomicons
are equally complete since the book was fictional until people this century
decided to create one in an attempt to make money from Lovecraft's invented
John Prenis
2003-12-19 14:16:46 UTC
All of the Necronomicons are equally complete
Or to put it another way, equally defective- since they derive from
dubious translations of fragmentary exerpts from a nonexistent
2003-12-19 22:25:42 UTC
Post by Don D'Ammassa
There's no such thing as the "full" Necronomicon. All of the
Post by Don D'Ammassa
are equally complete since the book was fictional until people this century
decided to create one in an attempt to make money from Lovecraft's invented
Fictional or not, it's an extremely interesting bit of occult culture - just
like ouija boards and scrying mirrors. What current editions are available
beyond the one that I have right now? I've also seen one called Al Azif
with a white cover - any info on this one?
Don D'Ammassa
2003-12-20 04:22:03 UTC
Post by Don D'Ammassa
Post by Don D'Ammassa
There's no such thing as the "full" Necronomicon. All of the
Post by Don D'Ammassa
are equally complete since the book was fictional until people this
Post by Don D'Ammassa
decided to create one in an attempt to make money from Lovecraft's
Post by Don D'Ammassa
Fictional or not, it's an extremely interesting bit of occult culture
- just like ouija boards and scrying mirrors. What current editions
are available beyond the one that I have right now? I've also seen
one called Al Azif with a white cover - any info on this one?
I have the Al Azif that's just random calligraphy repeated over and over.
I understand it sells on Ebay for up to $200.
John Prenis
2003-12-23 15:19:36 UTC
Not -quite- random. It starts off with the quote 'That is not dead which
can eternal lie...' rendered into Syriac. This text is cut up and
rearranged to fill several pages, which are repeated to fill out the
book. From Owlswick Press.

Don D'Ammassa <***@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

: I have the Al Azif that's just random calligraphy repeated over and over.
: I understand it sells on Ebay for up to $200.
2003-12-21 04:16:10 UTC
Post by Don D'Ammassa
Post by Don D'Ammassa
There's no such thing as the "full" Necronomicon. All of the
Post by Don D'Ammassa
are equally complete since the book was fictional until people this
Post by Don D'Ammassa
decided to create one in an attempt to make money from Lovecraft's
Post by Don D'Ammassa
Fictional or not, it's an extremely interesting bit of occult culture - just
like ouija boards and scrying mirrors. What current editions are available
beyond the one that I have right now? I've also seen one called Al Azif
with a white cover - any info on this one?
I'm sure H. P. Lovecraft would have a good laugh to think people took his
stories so seriouesly.
^ ^
Post by Don D'Ammassa
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
2003-12-23 06:24:09 UTC
Lovecraft had a big laugh, according one of his letters in which he writes
about William Lumley, who believed that all the authors of Cthulhu-mythos
were instruments in the hands of the Ancient Ones. Lovecraft found the idea
ridiculous, but he dared not to make fun of Lumley, because the guy was so

Up to now there are four books in print in English:

Necronomicon edited by Simon

Al Azif with a preface by L. Sprague de Camp

Necronomicon book of dead names edited by George Hay

The Necronomicon, edited by Robert M. Price.
The last contains three other Necronomicons: the never finished
Carter-Necronomicon by Lin Carter, the Culp-Necronomicon by Robert C. Culp,
with it's 12 pages by far the shortest Nec. and the Sussex Manuscript by
Fred Pelton.
Further on there are publications in Italian, German and I have found an
online copy in Spanish.

No need to say that all books are frauds. There is no real Necronomicon,
since there are no indications of the book before 1922, the year Lovecraft
wrote about this book for the first time.

2004-02-25 14:06:39 UTC
Can anyone show me how to obtain a copy of the Azoetia byt A D Chumbly I used to have it about 8 years ago but lost the copy I am looking to buy a copy I will pay handsomely please mail me @ ***@cheerful.com .:.
2004-03-02 07:34:13 UTC
I'd like to, I REALLY would! But my cult wouldn't understand. Cultist
get ugly after drinking a lot of grog. I'm not looking to be on the
volunteer list for the "Date with Shubbie" Day. Sorry, but I hear that
there's a mad man running around with copies of MANY interesting books. <G>
^ ^
Post by Don D'Ammassa
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
Post by Don D'Ammassa
Can anyone show me how to obtain a copy of the Azoetia byt A D Chumbly I
used to have it about 8 years ago but lost the copy I am looking to buy a
copy I will pay handsomely please mail me @ ***@cheerful.com .:.
Scuba Steve
2004-03-02 08:27:53 UTC
Your right thats a tough book to find, I can find alot of info on it
but, cant seem to find a copy. In any case its a good looking book with
some cool artwork in it, not very many printed, but ill keep my eyes
open for one.
Scuba Steve
2004-03-02 08:39:23 UTC
2004-07-21 21:19:14 UTC
If anyone's interested, there's currently a copy for sale on eBay:
