(too old to reply)
Scuba Steve
2004-03-05 04:35:20 UTC
When I first posted here (A Request) on Fri, Feb 27, 2004, 2:39am, their
was nothing here but Palito's post seeking a copy of the Azoetia and a
few spam posts.
And then,.....all you spell checkers and "experts" crawled out of your
holes to piss and moan not one of you contributing a single useful piece
of information to "your group"
And now,...since I've left,...all is quiet again, the random spam posts
are coming back like ivy, and still no one has anything useful to say,
Lying in wait like the old ones, IO,IA,
Don't worry guys there will always be someone interested in the NNCN
enough to post in here,....and then you can feed
Don D'Ammassa
2004-03-05 14:58:41 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
When I first posted here (A Request) on Fri, Feb 27, 2004, 2:39am, their
was nothing here but Palito's post seeking a copy of the Azoetia and a
few spam posts.
And then,.....all you spell checkers and "experts" crawled out of your
holes to piss and moan not one of you contributing a single useful piece
of information to "your group"
And now,...since I've left,...all is quiet again, the random spam posts
are coming back like ivy, and still no one has anything useful to say,
Lying in wait like the old ones, IO,IA,
Don't worry guys there will always be someone interested in the NNCN
enough to post in here,....and then you can feed
Well, since what you posted had as much factual content as spam, it wasn't
much of an improvement.
Scuba Steve
2004-03-05 23:58:36 UTC
The key word there is 'Posted' Don, I ''contributed'' to the group,
remind me again what you have done?

Moving on,....
I previously posted an on line edition of the Mallius to
the group, its an awesome read, If you haven't checked it out, you
should. Just a suggestion.

Don D'Ammassa
2004-03-06 00:33:42 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
The key word there is 'Posted' Don, I ''contributed'' to the group,
remind me again what you have done?
I say again, your "contribution" was simply a repeat of untruths previously
posted and refuted over and over again. As such, it had no more utility
than spam. And I did ask you to elaborate with your sources, but you
refused to do so, presumably because they are either unreliable or non-
