AnyBody out there? (A Request)
(too old to reply)
Scuba Steve
2004-02-27 07:39:54 UTC
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
Don D'Ammassa
2004-02-27 14:25:05 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
There aren't any, although the term existed prior to HPL.
Al Smith
2004-02-27 23:19:58 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
I heard that some guy named Alhazred wrote it. I tried writing to
him, care of Avon paperback books, but haven't yet received a
response. If I were you, that's where I would direct my researches.
2004-02-28 00:19:07 UTC
Post by Al Smith
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
I heard that some guy named Alhazred wrote it. I tried writing to
him, care of Avon paperback books, but haven't yet received a
response. If I were you, that's where I would direct my researches.
Actually Avon stiffed him for the royalties. Why do you think he's so mad?
Al Smith
2004-02-28 00:54:58 UTC
Post by Morpheus
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
Post by Scuba Steve
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
I heard that some guy named Alhazred wrote it. I tried writing to
him, care of Avon paperback books, but haven't yet received a
response. If I were you, that's where I would direct my researches.
Actually Avon stiffed him for the royalties. Why do you think he's so mad?
I can hear him on the desert wind, screaming "Trademark
infringement! Trademark infringement!" Sounds a bit like the
droning of beetles.
Theo Paijmans
2004-02-28 02:35:39 UTC
Post by Morpheus
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
Post by Scuba Steve
Post by Scuba Steve
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people
Post by Scuba Steve
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
I heard that some guy named Alhazred wrote it. I tried writing to
him, care of Avon paperback books, but haven't yet received a
response. If I were you, that's where I would direct my researches.
Actually Avon stiffed him for the royalties. Why do you think he's so mad?
I can hear him on the desert wind, screaming "Trademark infringement!
Trademark infringement!" Sounds a bit like the droning of beetles.
well, he should have never whistled while he was pissing.
Gregory L. Hansen
2004-02-28 13:08:35 UTC
Post by Theo Paijmans
Post by Morpheus
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
Post by Scuba Steve
Post by Scuba Steve
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people
Post by Scuba Steve
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
I heard that some guy named Alhazred wrote it. I tried writing to
him, care of Avon paperback books, but haven't yet received a
response. If I were you, that's where I would direct my researches.
Actually Avon stiffed him for the royalties. Why do you think he's so mad?
I can hear him on the desert wind, screaming "Trademark infringement!
Trademark infringement!" Sounds a bit like the droning of beetles.
well, he should have never whistled while he was pissing.
Don't piss on an electric fence. Don't piss against the wind. And don't
whistle while you're pissing. It's just one of those rules, it makes good
"The result of this experiment was inconclusive, so we had to use
statistics." (Overheard at international physics conference)
2004-03-02 07:31:40 UTC
Post by Al Smith
Post by Scuba Steve
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,
I heard that some guy named Alhazred wrote it. I tried writing to
him, care of Avon paperback books, but haven't yet received a
response. If I were you, that's where I would direct my researches.
I hear that Mr. Alhazred is mad as a hatter. They call him the Mad Arab in
the casba. Avon books...ummm, had no idea he was tied in with them. It
explains their new line of tentacle sex romance novels. ;)
^ ^
Post by Al Smith
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
Scuba Steve
2004-03-02 09:22:11 UTC
2004-03-02 07:29:49 UTC
No, the Necronomicon is a work of pure fiction. The Old Ones do NOT exist. Satan Does NOT exist. Return to your normal life citizen and be secure in your life.

(Okay, think they fell for it - let's TAKE OVER THE WORLD) Ba ha ha ha
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/

"Scuba Steve" <***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:14061-403EF44A-***@storefull-3314.bay.webtv.net...
I have read in different posts that some people think that HP Lovecraft
was in fact not the creator of the Necronomicon as most people believe.
If so, does anyone have any references predating Lovcrafts writings
referring to the Necronomicon?
I would love to see them.
Postem here or send them directly to me .
Thanks In Advance,

Scuba Steve
2004-03-02 08:21:41 UTC
1) Sonia Green and Alister Crowley meet in 1918, they both belong to
this literary club of some sort and spent a good amount of time together
discussing books poetry, etc.

2)Sonia meets HPL in 1921
HPL first mentions Abdul Alhazred in,
And in 1922 he first mentions the Necronomicon in THE HOUNDS.

3) I've read that Alister had access to the Necronomicon and plagiarized
it quite a bit mostly in THE BOOK OF LAW,...so did Alistier mention any
of this to Sonia who then mentioned it to HPL?

So I just need to find out if/how A.Crowley came in contact with the/a
Necrnomicon,..............so if any of ya know,....
Don D'Ammassa
2004-03-02 14:09:34 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
1) Sonia Green and Alister Crowley meet in 1918, they both belong to
this literary club of some sort and spent a good amount of time together
discussing books poetry, etc.
2)Sonia meets HPL in 1921
HPL first mentions Abdul Alhazred in,
And in 1922 he first mentions the Necronomicon in THE HOUNDS.
3) I've read that Alister had access to the Necronomicon and plagiarized
it quite a bit mostly in THE BOOK OF LAW,...so did Alistier mention any
of this to Sonia who then mentioned it to HPL?
So I just need to find out if/how A.Crowley came in contact with the/a
Necrnomicon,..............so if any of ya know,....
<html><body bgcolor="BLACK" text="white"><a href=<marquee></marquee><img
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Well, first of all, there was no Necronomicon for Crowley to come in
contact, so that part is impossible. Second of all, cite your source that
Sonia Green ever met Crowley.
Scuba Steve
2004-03-02 18:53:15 UTC
Cite my source?
A rather vauge response dont you think?
After all this is a discussiong group isnt it? If you have other
information regaurding Sonia Greens realation to A.Crowley, please let
me know.
Are my sources wrong?,...maybe,.but am I to believe that information
posted ia a webtv disc' group is the final word?...no.
Again please post any nformation you have that disputes what I've found.
I'm here to gather information on all of them, and welcome input from
all posters.
Im not here to bicker with anyone.
There is no question that AC and HPL knew each other so I dont think its
so far fetched to believe that they both knew Sonia.
Don D'Ammassa
2004-03-03 01:53:50 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
Cite my source?
A rather vauge response dont you think?
After all this is a discussiong group isnt it? If you have other
information regaurding Sonia Greens realation to A.Crowley, please let
me know.
Are my sources wrong?,...maybe,.but am I to believe that information
posted ia a webtv disc' group is the final word?...no.
Again please post any nformation you have that disputes what I've found.
I'm here to gather information on all of them, and welcome input from
all posters.
Im not here to bicker with anyone.
There is no question that AC and HPL knew each other so I dont think its
so far fetched to believe that they both knew Sonia.
<html><body bgcolor="WHITE" text="GREEN"><a href=<marquee></marquee><img
src=Loading Image...</a></html>
Attachment decoded: untitled-3.html
What do you mean there's no question that AC and HPL knew each other? In
order for a discussion to exist, there has to be at least some basis in
verifiable fact. So far all you've offered is information the rest of us
know to be factually incorrect which doesn't leave much to discuss.

Cite your source is not a vague response. It's a request for you to
substantiate a claim you made that is at variance with known fact.
Paul Hume
2004-03-03 13:45:28 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
Im not here to bicker with anyone.
Maybem but you are posting old factoids as facts - sure grounds for
bickering opening up somewhere.
Post by Scuba Steve
There is no question that AC and HPL knew each other so I dont think its
so far fetched to believe that they both knew Sonia.
There is indeed no question whether they knew each other. They did
not. Never met. Never corresponded. HPL maintained files of his
voluminous correspondence (categorizedand published by Donald Wandrei)
and Crowley similarly maintained voluminous and detailed journals.

No mention in either man's papers of knowing the other, or even
knowing much about the other.

It is far fetched to suggest they both knew Sonia because Crowley

And you still haven't filled us in on which parts of the Book of the
Law reminded you of the Necronomicon when you read the BotL.


Paul Hume
2004-03-02 17:05:41 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
1) Sonia Green and Alister Crowley meet in 1918, they both belong to
this literary club of some sort and spent a good amount of time together
discussing books poetry, etc.
As far as I know this is a factoid, composed about a decade ago for a
FAQ that provided a secret-history-of-everything approach to the
existence of a real Necronomicon. It was intended asa satire. The
problem with really good satire, esp. on the internet, is that years
later it can pop up as fact.
Post by Scuba Steve
2)Sonia meets HPL in 1921
HPL first mentions Abdul Alhazred in,
And in 1922 he first mentions the Necronomicon in THE HOUNDS.
3) I've read that Alister had access to the Necronomicon and plagiarized
it quite a bit mostly in THE BOOK OF LAW,...so did Alistier mention any
of this to Sonia who then mentioned it to HPL?
And it's Aleister, BTW.

So where did you read this? It isn't true, but it is always
interesting to know what the latest source of crap information about
Crowley is.

When you read the Book of the Law, which parts did you feel were most
likely to have been plagiarized from the Necronomicon?

Lovecraft's correspondence makes it thoroughly clear that he and his
circle of friends (Howard, Smith, et al) devised this tasty
super-grimoire (and related literary works) and the related elder
critters who go with it, to form a mythology for some of their stories
of the fantastic. Some of the material comes from earlier literary
sources (Hastur is referenced in Chambers' "King In Yellow" stories,
for example). Others - like the Big C Himself, and Alhazred, a name
Lovecraft made up when playing make-believe Arabian Nights games as a
child - come from their own invention.

Al Smith
2004-03-02 22:10:46 UTC
Post by Scuba Steve
1) Sonia Green and Alister Crowley meet in 1918, they both belong to
this literary club of some sort and spent a good amount of time together
discussing books poetry, etc.
People here will soon jump all over you and tell you that Sonia
Green and Aleister Crowley never met. Come to think of it, I just
did it myself. They never met.