weird experiences anyone?
(too old to reply)
2003-07-03 09:41:41 UTC
This may sound a bit strange to you, so sit down and try to maintain an
mind. I have come into knowledge about something that may be happening to
and I did want to warn you. You may not remember what is being done to
you by
these guys.
There is a serious problem that can happen to people who are (as I am and
have had this unfortunate experience) good hearted and not careful enough
public places. There is a substance that can be used on you to make you
"freeze and forget" which would allow these people to make you freeze and
unconscious literally freezing you where you stand and then they could do
anything they want to you like rape you, then poof you are awake and right
exactly the way you were when they froze you and you have no memory of
Have you ever gone home then weird things happened with your body? Like
were feeling like someone threw you down on the floor of the health club
forced themselves on you? But you don't have a visual memory, just what
felt or maybe what you heard? You hear yourself screaming for help or
Please do not return to this health club and be sure to tell the
they have a serious problem. These men could be rolling you for money or
raping you and you would not know it.
Lord be with you and keep you safe.
Yes, yes! somethingh like this happens even to me, the last night i goes to
the pub... i remember only that, after the 3rd pint of beer, all began to
blur slightly...and, after the 5th, i can't remember nothingh! I awoke the
day after with a strange sensation, like someone have thrown me donw to the
stairs... I remember only that i was laughting, i wonder what was doing the
men that froze me...
Al Smith
2003-07-03 16:45:59 UTC
Post by Pasquale
Yes, yes! somethingh like this happens even to me, the last night i goes to
the pub... i remember only that, after the 3rd pint of beer, all began to
blur slightly...and, after the 5th, i can't remember nothingh! I awoke the
day after with a strange sensation, like someone have thrown me donw to the
stairs... I remember only that i was laughting, i wonder what was doing the
men that froze me...
It's a sign from God that you should stay out of pubs.
2003-07-04 12:34:09 UTC
Post by Al Smith
Post by Pasquale
Yes, yes! somethingh like this happens even to me, the last night i goes to
the pub... i remember only that, after the 3rd pint of beer, all began to
blur slightly...and, after the 5th, i can't remember nothingh! I awoke the
day after with a strange sensation, like someone have thrown me donw to the
stairs... I remember only that i was laughting, i wonder what was doing the
men that froze me...
It's a sign from God that you should stay out of pubs.
LOL... maybe.. yep... but i think even God can't make me stay out of 'em...