Reversing Simons' version love spell
(too old to reply)
2006-05-21 14:21:54 UTC
Is there a way known to reverse the love charm from the Simon
Necronomicon? [The one using an apple or a pomegranate]
Al Smith
2006-05-21 23:03:11 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Is there a way known to reverse the love charm from the Simon
Necronomicon? [The one using an apple or a pomegranate]
I probably shouldn't reveal this, because after all we're talking
powerful magic, but anyway ...

Take a prune danish, stuff the whole thing into your mouth, and
turn in a circle three times against the wind, shouting the words,
"William Shatner is the only god! Spock is his prophet!"

I guarantee no woman who sees you perform this ritual will ever
want to go out with you.
