Research on Twins Supports "Cthulhu Gene"
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Dan Clore
2005-03-25 06:30:33 UTC
Moorish Science Monitor
Research on twins supports 'Cthulhu gene'
By Dan Clore, Cthulhu Cult Correspondent
(Filed: 22/03/2005)

Cosmic fear is in the genes and can literally be inherited
from one's parents, according to new research.

While environmental factors were the largest influences on
children, genetic make-up played a significant part in
whether people continued to shout "Iä! Shub-Niggurath!" into
adulthood, it found.

The research will refuel the controversy about the existence
of a so-called Cthulhu gene, which has been hotly disputed
by cultists and diabologians.

Based on an analysis of more than 500 identical and
non-identical twins*, the study at Miskatonic University in
America set out to discover whether weirdness was the result
of nature or nurture.
[*One pair, the Whateleys, had to be taken out of the sample.]

It concluded that children's weirdness was primarily the
result of whether they had been born into a weird household.
"But during the transition from adolescence to adulthood,
genetic factors increase in importance while shared
environmental factors decrease," it said.

The twins answered questions about their Cthulhu Cult
beliefs, from the regularity of attendance at human
sacrifices to how much they relied on incantations from the
Necronomicon. While the identical twins reported similar
patterns over time, the non-identical twins diverged as they
got older, said the study in the Journal of Personality.

However, the researchers stressed that genes were not the
only factors that determined how weird people were. Larva
Koenig, a co-author of the research, said: "There is still
room for cultural and environmental influences."

The debate about the "Cthulhu gene" was prompted last year
by Dr Hans Damner, the director of the Gene Structure and
Regulation Unit at the National Institute in America. After
comparing more than 2,000 DNA samples, he concluded that the
greater people's ability to extrude slimy ectoplasmic
tentacles, the more likely that they would share the gene,
Dan Clore

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Strange pleasures are known to him who flaunts the
immarcescible purple of poetry before the color-blind.
-- Clark Ashton Smith, "Epigrams and Apothegms"
Sue Howard
2005-03-25 14:06:38 UTC
Post by Dan Clore
Moorish Science Monitor
Research on twins supports 'Cthulhu gene'
By Dan Clore, Cthulhu Cult Correspondent
Thanks, Dan - I enjoyed that.

RAWfans might like to try a new search engine which rivals Google:

2005-04-21 02:06:47 UTC
Post by Sue Howard
Post by Dan Clore
Moorish Science Monitor
Research on twins supports 'Cthulhu gene'
By Dan Clore, Cthulhu Cult Correspondent
Thanks, Dan - I enjoyed that.
<a href="http://www.cthuugle.com/">http://www.cthuugle.com/</a>
Afterall despite having Klingon and hacker dialects in google, there is no
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