Necronomicon Research material?
(too old to reply)
2003-10-08 19:14:29 UTC
I am currently doing some research on the Necronomicon, focusing primarily
on the spells and what their effects are. Aside from the book itself, is
there any research material available on-line or off for this? I did a
Google, but it's like trying to find a golden needle in a haystack full of
rusty bobby pins <g>.
2003-10-09 05:13:38 UTC
Yeah, read the selected letters from Lovecraft by Derleth and Wandrei, they
give you some nice information about the Necronomicon, as well as the
Unaussprechliche Kulten by Von Junzt, The Book of Eibon, The Cultes des
Ghoules by Comte d'Erlette, de Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn and all made
up tomes of terror.

If you are not convinced that the book is not real, then I can truly
recommend 'The Necronomicon Files' by Daniel Harms and John Wisdom Gonce
III, a nice piece of research, especially if you are interested in magic,
the part of Wisdom Gonce III is all about Necronomicon and magic. The book
has been re-released in a revised version, so the latest updates are to be
found. I believe their website is www.necfiles.com But I am not sure.
2003-10-09 07:01:15 UTC
that would be www.necfiles.org
Post by W.Taal
Yeah, read the selected letters from Lovecraft by Derleth and Wandrei, they
give you some nice information about the Necronomicon, as well as the
Unaussprechliche Kulten by Von Junzt, The Book of Eibon, The Cultes des
Ghoules by Comte d'Erlette, de Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn and all made
up tomes of terror.
If you are not convinced that the book is not real, then I can truly
recommend 'The Necronomicon Files' by Daniel Harms and John Wisdom Gonce
III, a nice piece of research, especially if you are interested in magic,
the part of Wisdom Gonce III is all about Necronomicon and magic. The book
has been re-released in a revised version, so the latest updates are to be
found. I believe their website is www.necfiles.com But I am not sure.
2003-10-10 05:27:19 UTC
Thanks for correcting me on that one.
Daniel Harms
2003-10-10 22:30:58 UTC
Post by SheRaMcGyver
that would be www.necfiles.org
Thanks. The website used to be at www.necfiles.com, but it took off
for California and won't even send us a damn postcard.

The website's good, but the book is much better and an entertaining
read. Then again, I'm biased.


Dan Harms
2003-10-11 16:18:15 UTC
Hey Dan,

No you certainly are right. The book is much better. But I see the website
as a sort of addendum to the book. There is way more material to be found on
your website than in the book about the Voynich manuscript. But that could
have been me...

Have you received my mail with the link to the story of Alan Cabal?

Wilmar Taal
Daniel Harms
2003-10-11 22:14:21 UTC
Post by W.Taal
Hey Dan,
No you certainly are right. The book is much better. But I see the website
as a sort of addendum to the book. There is way more material to be found on
your website than in the book about the Voynich manuscript. But that could
have been me...
That is true, so long as you're talking about the paperback. The
Voynich material was in the hardback and then cut from the new edition
to make room for other material.
Post by W.Taal
Have you received my mail with the link to the story of Alan Cabal?
I'm not sure if I did or not, but that's OK - I've seen it already.

While I'm at it, does anyone have questions/comments about the book?


Dan Harms
2003-10-12 07:30:01 UTC
Hi Dan,

Yes, I do have some comments: it is written in a nice way, it does not put
up a barrier for those who don't know anything about the Necronomicon. And
it reads very easily. There were some Necronomicons even I didn't know about
(and I am considered the nec expert in my circle of friends), which is very
cool to read about (Referring to the Italian Necronomicons, the Merlyn Stone
Necronomicon etc.).
I also enjoyed the chapter in which satanic metalbands were treated, like
Deicide, Morbid Angel, but I missed the two bands who call themselves
'Necronomicon' (one from Canada and one from Germany).

Is this going to be a definite study on the Necronomicon? or are you guys
planning to go in depth, analyzing certain story features, or looking into
possible sources for the Nec?
Daniel Harms
2003-10-12 23:20:23 UTC
Post by W.Taal
Hi Dan,
I also enjoyed the chapter in which satanic metalbands were treated, like
Deicide, Morbid Angel, but I missed the two bands who call themselves
'Necronomicon' (one from Canada and one from Germany).
I think John wanted to concentrate on the most popular of the bunch.
We could have done a whole chapter on Necronomicon music, or for that
matter, the Necronomicon in video games, but it would've been a lot of
effort for comparatively little payoff. As the website shows, we had
to cut material as it was!
Post by W.Taal
Is this going to be a definite study on the Necronomicon? or are you guys
planning to go in depth, analyzing certain story features, or looking into
possible sources for the Nec?
I wouldn't rule it out, but I think we're done with it for the time
being. At any rate, I hope we've given people all the tools they need
to examine these issues for themselves and not become distracted by
the previously-established false hypotheses (such as the Book of Dzyan
inspiring the Necronomicon).


Dan Harms
2003-10-13 05:29:28 UTC
Well, my interest in the Necronomicon was drawn by a leatherbound book I
found in an antiquarian shop, entitled 'Necronomicon', but a little bit too
expensive for my budget in those days (say 13 years ago). Now I have read
that it was the Simon-necronomicon in the first edition by
Schlangekraft...Glad that I didn't spend this much money on a 'hoax'. A
couple of years later I purchased the paperback, and I was the only one who
was not convinced that this was the real thing. There were too many gods
spoken of which had nothing to do with Lovecraft, but my highest suspision
was aroused by the alinea in which they say that nobody can see the original
manuscript. Others, with whom I discussed the book, took it very serious.
But at that time, nobody knew that there were at least four more
Necronomicons in existence.
I enjoyed my research into the Necronomicon, and I hope my thesiscoordinator
and examinator will too....

Still have to visit two more libraries, on october 22nd, one in London and
one in Oxford.

2003-10-13 21:13:07 UTC
Okay, you do know that the Nceonomicon is a mythical creation?
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
I am currently doing some research on the Necronomicon, focusing primarily
on the spells and what their effects are. Aside from the book itself, is
there any research material available on-line or off for this? I did a
Google, but it's like trying to find a golden needle in a haystack full of
rusty bobby pins <g>.
Kevin Blackburn
2003-10-14 07:31:25 UTC
Post by jeanannd
Okay, you do know that the Nceonomicon is a mythical creation?
And that There Is No Cabal.
Post by jeanannd
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
I am currently doing some research on the Necronomicon, focusing primarily
on the spells and what their effects are. Aside from the book itself, is
there any research material available on-line or off for this? I did a
Google, but it's like trying to find a golden needle in a haystack full of
rusty bobby pins <g>.
Kevin Blackburn ***@fairbruk.demon.co.uk
2003-10-14 21:20:52 UTC
Shssssh, Kevin you'll give it all away. ;)
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
Post by jeanannd
Okay, you do know that the Nceonomicon is a mythical creation?
And that There Is No Cabal.
Post by jeanannd
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
I am currently doing some research on the Necronomicon, focusing primarily
on the spells and what their effects are. Aside from the book itself, is
there any research material available on-line or off for this? I did a
Google, but it's like trying to find a golden needle in a haystack full of
rusty bobby pins <g>.
Kevin Blackburn
2003-10-15 19:08:40 UTC
OK, just to be clear, There is no Cabal, and anyway, they did not write
the Necronomicon.
Post by jeanannd
Shssssh, Kevin you'll give it all away. ;)
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
Post by jeanannd
Okay, you do know that the Nceonomicon is a mythical creation?
And that There Is No Cabal.
Post by jeanannd
^ ^
"< jeanannd
/ I \ /
\ / I \/
I am currently doing some research on the Necronomicon, focusing
Post by jeanannd
on the spells and what their effects are. Aside from the book itself,
Post by jeanannd
there any research material available on-line or off for this? I did a
Google, but it's like trying to find a golden needle in a haystack full
Post by jeanannd
rusty bobby pins <g>.
Kevin Blackburn ***@fairbruk.demon.co.uk
2003-10-16 05:27:02 UTC
By Cabal, you mean Alan Cabal? And the circle around Magickal Childe did not
write the Necronomicon? If they didn't: WHO DID?

Are there any more sources to find about this Alan Cabal and his presumed

