US Boffins Resurrect Zombie Dogs
(too old to reply)
Dan Clore
2005-06-30 14:11:17 UTC
US boffins resurrect zombie dogs
By Lester Haines (lester.haines at theregister.co.uk)
Published Wednesday 29th June 2005 10:57 GMT

US scientists at the Papa Doc Duvalier
(http://www.answers.com/topic/fran-ois-papa-doc-duvalier )
Center for Reanimation Studies* are celebrating
ground-breaking research during which they successfully
raised dogs from the grave after several hours of "clinical

According to news.com.au, the technique involves draining
the mutts' blood and replacing it with a saline solution a
couple of degrees above zero. The body temperature drops to
around 7°C, provoking a cessation of breathing, heart and
brain activity and rendering the subject officially dead.

To reanimate the zombie canine, the latter-day Herbert Wests
reintroduce the blood while administering 100 per cent
oxygen and electric shocks to jump-start the heart. The dog
is apparently none the worse for its near-permanent-death
experience and reportedly suffers no physical or brain
damage as a result of this macabre experiment. We assume
that post-resurrection mental capacity is judged by throwing
a stick across the lab and seeing if the four-legged member
of the Tontons Macoutes
(http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0849049.html ) runs
after it with tail-wagging enthusiasm.

Naturally, there is some perfectly legitimate science behind
all this. The team reckons the technique could be used to
temporarily suspend battlefield casualties, during which
surgeons could repair the damage before jump-starting the
bewildered grunt. One unnamed army doc enthused: "The
results are stunning. I think in 10 years we will be able to
prevent death in a certain segment of those using this

The scientists plan to reanimate a human subject within a
year. Any reader wishing to participate in this historic
moment is advised to wrap up warm and fully acquaint him or
herself with the works of HP Lovecraft

* Ok, we made that up. It's actually the Safar Centre for
Resuscitation Research in Pittsburgh.
Dan Clore

My collected fiction, _The Unspeakable and Others_:
Lord Weÿrdgliffe & Necronomicon Page:
News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

Strange pleasures are known to him who flaunts the
immarcescible purple of poetry before the color-blind.
-- Clark Ashton Smith, "Epigrams and Apothegms"
Santiago de Compostela
2005-06-30 15:03:48 UTC
We all know that the real motivation behind this is that Don Rumsfeld plans
to raise an undead army to fight al-Qaeda. ;-)
Dan Clore
2005-06-30 16:23:15 UTC
Post by Santiago de Compostela
We all know that the real motivation behind this is that Don Rumsfeld plans
to raise an undead army to fight al-Qaeda. ;-)
And here I thought it had something to do with that Terri
Schiavo thing--
Dan Clore

My collected fiction, _The Unspeakable and Others_:
Lord Weÿrdgliffe & Necronomicon Page:
News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

Strange pleasures are known to him who flaunts the
immarcescible purple of poetry before the color-blind.
-- Clark Ashton Smith, "Epigrams and Apothegms"
Al Smith
2005-06-30 20:58:03 UTC
We all know that the real motivation behind this is that Don Rumsfeld plans to raise an undead army to fight al-Qaeda. ;-)
And here I thought it had something to do with that Terri Schiavo thing--
Dan Clore
I think we're getting perilously close to the place in the old
horror movie where the simple but honest villagers say, "They
meddled with things that man was not meant to know."
Franklin Hummel
2005-07-02 14:35:44 UTC
Post by Dan Clore
US boffins resurrect zombie dogs
By Lester Haines (lester.haines at theregister.co.uk)
Published Wednesday 29th June 2005 10:57 GMT
*yawn* Been there, done that.

A scientist already did this in the '30s. It was reported fairly widely and there was
even a movie made about this, which included at the end footage that had been actually
taken of the dog's revival.

-- Franklin Hummel in Boston, Massachusetts
Franklin Hummel
2005-07-02 14:42:28 UTC
Post by Dan Clore
US boffins resurrect zombie dogs
And what the HECK is a "boffin"???

-- Franklin Hummel in Boston, Massachusetts
David Dvorkin
2005-07-02 17:20:43 UTC
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:42:28 -0400, "Franklin Hummel"
Post by Franklin Hummel
And what the HECK is a "boffin"???
From the online version of Merriam-Webster:

chiefly British : a scientific expert; especially : one involved in
technological research

David Dvorkin
BUSINESS SECRETS FROM THE STARS: http://www.dvorkin.com/bizstars
Robin Low
2005-07-02 18:15:33 UTC
Post by David Dvorkin
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:42:28 -0400, "Franklin Hummel"
Post by Franklin Hummel
And what the HECK is a "boffin"???
chiefly British : a scientific expert; especially : one involved in
technological research
I think the word dates from the Second World War. The only places I ever
encounter it are in British movies set during that period and British
tabloid newspapers.


Robin Low