Anyone read...?
(too old to reply)
2005-03-16 03:59:46 UTC
The Necronomicon anti-faq? Just wondering... *hides*

Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
university, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.
Any resemblancebetween the above and my own views is non-deterministic.
Al Smith
2005-03-16 18:44:17 UTC
> The Necronomicon anti-faq? Just wondering... *hides*

I don't believe the anti-faq exists. I've heard about it for
years, but I've always assumed that it was a fiction created to
meet some underlying, unarticulated need in Lovecraft fans. Sure,
you run across lots of folks who claim to have seen it, or read
it, but we must remain skeptical of such assertions.
Dan Clore
2005-03-17 03:59:18 UTC
Al Smith wrote:
>> The Necronomicon anti-faq? Just wondering... *hides*
> I don't believe the anti-faq exists. I've heard about it for years, but
> I've always assumed that it was a fiction created to meet some
> underlying, unarticulated need in Lovecraft fans. Sure, you run across
> lots of folks who claim to have seen it, or read it, but we must remain
> skeptical of such assertions.

Clique to my website, through the Necronomicon Page, and
you'll see it listed with commentary. Unfortunately, this is
not the latest version of the Anti-FAQ, but I don't feel
like updating, and it's good enough anyway. And doggone it,
people like me!

Dan Clore

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Strange pleasures are known to him who flaunts the
immarcescible purple of poetry before the color-blind.
-- Clark Ashton Smith, "Epigrams and Apothegms"